
Slice 12

A quick list of slice ideas that ran through my head on this Friday:

Finally putting my thoughts about my grandparents to a page

The fleeting impermanence of love and most other important things

Children who obviously don’t get enough love and the parents who know it

My waistline

My excuses

How that one line in the Throwing Muses song makes me cry every time I hear it no matter what

How procrastination will surely get around to ending me eventually

The internalization of a million tiny things until ages of angst finally split me

Bosses who don’t listen and the employees who pretend not to notice because it’s easier

And the fact that I may be one of a miniscule demographic who only like the Counting Crows’ first 3 albums and still decide I have a favorite new song of theirs every 4 or 5 years and dealing with the fallout that realization forcefeeds my brains about exactly what kind of “unique” the kid who used to wear skirts (mostly to clean around the house) and paint his nails has really become.

Then, leaving the gym with all that wonderful weight weighing me down, I remembered it was Friday and the last thing the world needs on a Friday is any of that silly action. Let’s all have a great weekend and maybe spend it thinking a little less about ourselves. 

That was mostly just a pep talk for me. If it helps you, you’re welcome.

5 thoughts on “Listless/Blissless

  1. Your brain was pretty busy for a Friday evening! I’m now concerned that procrastination will be the end of me–I’m not sure exactly how, but it seems like a definite threat! 😉 Thanks for sharing and enjoy the weekend!

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  2. The internalization of a million tiny things until ages of angst finally split me
    Bosses who don’t listen and the employees who pretend not to notice because it’s easier”

    Wow, these lines could have been written about me – especially the first one. Thanks for the pep talk; I’m going to try and not let all the “wonderful weight weigh me down.”

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  3. I love this! I felt so discombobulated today, and I feel I made a list in my head of all the possible things I could blog about today. You nailed it – my brain was on overload this Friday. Thank you for sharing!


  4. Oh, the things I could say in this comment: That writers are squirrelers-away of all ideas interesting. That others think the same thing about Counting Crows. That we can hide big ideas next to small ones and they don’t seem so scary. That they’re still big ideas, no matter where we put them. That there is poetry in lists.

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